
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Truth About Scarlett

Original Post Removed

Hi, I am sorry, but I have removed this post. I wrote a lot about Scarlett in a particularly emotional moment. When I was writing it, I thought perhaps I was being unfair on her, and judgemental, without taking a look at my own behavior.

Then a comment from Me (still appears below) made me realize my folly, and got me thinking about myself and the role I play in Scarlett's behavior (thank you Me). I have removed the post. For those of you who came here looking for the original, I am sorry, its been removed.

However feel free to read the rest of my thoughts and let me have your thoughts in return. I really appreciate the advice.

1 comment:

  1. I have to say that you are conveniently forgetting the components of a relationship that are important--the ones that make it significant. First off, Scarlett sounds like a very insecure person. Forget that she's beautiful. Forget that she is surrounded by lots of pretty pretty boys that she calls friends. The fact that she needs to be surrounded by these men all the time, and that she would settle for a relationship with a man who will not commit to her reveals that she is very insecure. You say that she forgets that you don't do anything with Rachel, and that makes it okay that you can't spend time out in public with her. You need to see it from the other point of view. She's made to feel like she's your dirty little secret. A wholesome relationship includes all those peripherals. We all want that--you do too, and right now you're too conflicted, and you're trying to piece together everything you want between these two women. As time goes by, I reflect more and more on the relationship with my ex-boyfriend with more and more anger. I'm angry that he indulged in the fantasy experience with me and then cast me aside like some piece of trash, and now I see huggy pictures of him with his wife on his friend's website. It is like a knife to the heart. Scarlett is not wrong for wanting a relationship with someone who can be everything to her. I'm sorry. I know it hurts, but as much as that is true. I think it is time to move on and work on you.


Hi, Please let me know what you think... I can take almost everything, except abusive language, racist comments, or anything considered inappropriate in civilized society. Thank you.